Famous Love Quotes Expressions

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Hello Everyone , how about  giving you some famous Love Quotes Expressions ?
this is the famous expressions from the famous Philosophers :
- The Friendship May grow to become a  love, but love does not retreat to become friendship (Peron)- Love is an experience suffer from it only who live it (Simon de Bravo)- Love is the only game which involve two persons ,  winning together or losing together(Peron)
- Men love to the delight of life, and women live to be happy in love(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
 - May the love generate with  a word, but it can never die with a wordLove does not kill lovers. . It just
makes them hanging between life and death
- The  tragedy of love is that the man  wants to be the first to enter a woman's heartAnd women want to be the last to enter a man's heart(Peron)- Who Loves. . Loves foreverIn the love there's letters we send it out and other we ripped it and the most beautiful letters what we don't write(Plato)

- Love is a 
Rose and women is her fork(Schopenhauer)
- Love weakens civility in women and strengthens man(Richter)- Love to the man is a serious illness, and to the women is great virtue(Anis Mansour)- Crazy Love makes people  monsters(Fillon)- Love only mad(Shakespeare)
- If a woman loves you afraid for you , If you loves her afraid from you(Ali Murad)
- Women love asking permission to enter her heart, and the man he will storm it in his heart without
permission, and this is our loss
(George Bernard Shaw)

- Love is blind and lovers don't see the folly they do (Shakespeare)

First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity ( Bernard shou)

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