4 Severe Mistakes you must avoid to save your relationship (2nd Mistake)

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In the last post we saw how to avoid the first mistake and now we are going to see the 2nd Mistake what is as title "Attempts to manipulate" from 4 Mistakes

1st Mistake
3rd Mistake

4th Mistake

2- Mistake : Attempts to manipulate
You have already tried to get your ex back by offering him/her gifts or by granting special favors? Or maybe you tried to blame her/him ? You attempted to make her/him jealous.
as you get closer to other people? Maybe you've even thought to show him/her what you are able to offer in terms of material well-being and comfort?
My only advice would be:
Do not do more! Do not worry
This could cause you to lose the esteem of your ex. And let's be honest: you really want your ex back just because you can pay him/her whatever he / she wants to invite him/her to the restaurant, traveling, offer him/her gifts or even worse, it back by compassion? Of course not.

Do not be fooled! People have flair and realize if gift is sincere or if it is an attempt at manipulation. If
you ever thought of such things, or if you have behaved this way, ask yourself honestly: I did to make my / my partner happy (to) or I did in anticipation of compensation ?
The manipulation tactics lead to nothing, and even though it may allow some early success, you can not build a relationship like that. Or are you willing to spend your time to buy your partner so that he / she is on your side? Beyond lose your self-esteem, you will also lose a lot of money.

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